The Stanley Bug Champion

A journalist-turned-web-developer writes about coding bugs and wins alike.

Coding a chatbot builder platform, Part 1: How to make a dumb chatbot

Last week I decided to build a bot builder application. The goal was (and still is, as the project will be ready next week) to make an app that serves as a platform for users of all levels to build...

How to build a speech recognising app with JavaScript

Web APIs are great, and it has been exciting exploring the possibilities they offer for your budding web applications. Location, for example, is a quite common and useful! But I think my favourite one of them is the speech recognition. My discovery into this technology happened through the amazing and free javascript30 course by Wes Bos.

Everything you wanted and didn't want to know about arrow functions in JavaScript

Here's how arrow functions came to be, and why you should embrace them sooner rather than later. This blog assumes you already know what arrow functions are, but haven't started using them all over the place yet. Arrow functions were introduced in the 6th Edition of the ECMAScript standard (ES6), which was released in 2015.

5 useful terminal commands and how to launch them from your ruby program

Here are some terminal commands I recently learnt. They've proven quite useful (or just entertaining) on my Mac. Displays the content of your file. You can pass it flags (extra specifications, usually take the form of a dash, followed by a letter or two) for some more functionality.

Using Ruby's #cycle to create surprisingly useful looping arrays

In this post, I'll describe how to create loops from arrays using two Ruby methods: #cycle and #next. These may come in handy if you want to iterate over arrays on item at a time, and just hop back to the beginning once you reach the end.

Get started with data analysis using Ruby and APIs - The Stanley Bug Champion - Medium

I've been interested in working with open data for several years now, but only last week I learned how to wrangle it on my own. I wish I wouldn't have waited so long. Collecting, analysing, and visualising big amounts of data can be challenging, but getting started isn't.